Author: mstrplumbersnc
Winter is Here! What To Do When the Pipes are Frozen
As winter approaches, your home’s heating system becomes your best friend. But some areas, such as attics and basements, remain unheated. And if there are any plumbing lines in these areas without proper insulation, it is possible that your pipes may freeze. If you wake up on a winter morning only to find no water coming…
How Often Should You Replace the Shower Head
When was the last time you paid attention to your shower head? We are sure it must have been a while ago. Shower heads are one of the most overlooked bathroom accessories. However, you must pay attention to it to see if it needs a replacement. Yes, you should replace the shower heads in the…
Tips for Fixing a Leaky Faucet
A leaky faucet can be frustrating and expensive due to constant dripping water, which may increase your water bill. Moreover, you are at a high risk of falling if the leaking water creates a puddle. To avoid such situations, fixing a leaky faucet is essential as soon as possible. If you’re thinking about how to fix…
Tips on How to Improve Indoor Air Quality at Your Office
Air quality has deteriorated in different parts of the world due to various air impurities and microbes. It has resulted in people’s quality of life being hurt, resulting in them getting ill frequently. Taking care of indoor air quality at the office is crucial as employees spend more than 8 hours of their day in…